Your voice

Find out more about giving feedback or making complaints to St Mungo’s.

Your voice

Find out more about giving feedback or making complaints to St Mungo’s.


We know that things don’t always go right, and our complaints process helps us to put things right and improve the services we provide. 

Complaints can be resolved most quickly by contacting staff in your service. To do this, you can: 

➔ Speak to a staff member face to face or by phone 

➔ Fill in a complaints form, with the help of staff if needed, and give it to a member of staff or put it in a feedback box 

if you prefer to talk to someone outside of your service you can contact the Complaints team or call Tel: 020 3856 6068 

Fill out feedback cards in your service to comment on experience. Always ask for feedback on what you have suggested or commented on.  

Locally and centrally, you can ensure you have a voice and give feedback on decisions that affect you. Being a client rep for your service, Joining the Client Advisory Board, leading resident’s meetings amongst other opportunities are great ways to get involved. Find out more here (insert get involved link) 

Feeling safe and having a high standard of accommodation where you live is important.  Head to our where you live section to find out more about our processes and how you can let us know if you have any concerns.  

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