Where you live

If you are accommodated by St Mungo’s, then there are systems in place to ensure that you feel safe in your home and that where things break or need repair, we can respond quickly.

Where you live

If you are accommodated by St Mungo’s, then there are systems in place to ensure that you feel safe in your home and that where things break or need repair, we can respond quickly.

Our repairs

To report repairs you can 

  • Telephoning the Repairs Helpdesk on 0333 050 2167 (between 9am and 5pm) 
  • Email repairs@mungos.org. Please provide full details of the issue with any photos where possible when reporting a repair in this way. 
  • You can also write a letter to St Mungo’s Property Services Team, 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW. 

Alternatively, you can speak to your key worker or any member of staff at your accommodation who will be able to help.  

The repairs team are always seeking to improve the service that they provide and regularly seek feedback on repairs carried out.  

Paying your rent

To request a Rent Statement or a callback from the St Mungo’s Rents team, please click here.

To access AllPay, please click here. 

  • Bank – If you have a bank account, the easiest way to pay is by setting up a Direct Debit or Standing Order with your bank. 
  • Direct Deductions from Welfare benefits. If you are in receipt of welfare benefits, you may be able to set up Direct Deductions. These three methods all ensure your rent/ licence charge is paid automatically at set intervals. Staff in your service or our Rent Team can assist you to set them up. 
  • allpay Card – Alternatively, you will be given an Allpay card, which allows you to pay your rent/ licence charge in the following ways: 
  • At a Post Office or an outlet displaying the PayPoint symbol – Take your allpay Card, together with your payment. After your payment is processed, your card will be returned to you with a printed receipt to confirm the payment. 
  • By text message* – Register online . Once registered, you can pay by sending a text message stating the amount you would like to pay. 
  • By telephone* – Phone 0844 557 8321 and follow the automated phone system to make a payment. 
  • Online* – You can pay your rent online through the allpay website. You’ll need to register online. 
  • Using the allpay app* – The app is available for Apple and Android smartphones. 


* Please note that you need a debit card to pay via text, telephone, online or using the allpay app. You can pay using this method 24 hours a day. 


  • You may also be able to pay in cash to staff in your service. Ask staff for more details. 
  • You can phone the rents team on 0203856 6030 to pay rent 
  • If you do not have a bank account and would like help to set one up, please speak to a member of staff in your service or visit Money Advice Service for help. 
  • If you have any questions, please ask staff in your service or contact the Rents team on 020 3856 6030 or email rent.team@mungos.org 


If you move into one of our services our staff will help you with benefits to ensure you are claiming what you are entitled to.  

If you want some more information on benefits that may be available to you, visit the Government information website and read the information held there. If you would like someone to talk you through your options, you might find it helpful to speak to Citizen’s Advice. You can find out your local branch or how to contact them on their website. 

Other websites with useful information include: 

  • Turn2us https://www.turn2us.org.uk/ 
  • Child Poverty Action Group https://cpag.org.uk/ 
  • Age UK, if you are 55 or over https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/money-legal/benefits-entitlements/ 


You can also contact the St Mungo’s benefits advice service by emailing benefits@mungos.org (please note this only available to St Mungo’s clients, staff and volunteers) 

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